From Bryant Street, with Love

Bryant Street Publishing is a new imprint on Scribd Inc., publishing immersive, intersectional works that represent our audience and celebrate our fandoms. With an emphasis on romance, science fiction/fantasy, YA and horror, Bryant Street is home for a broad spectrum of writers, from veterans of traditional and indie publishing to exciting new talent we’re proud to debut.

Follow us on Twitter @bryantstreetpub, Facebook @bryantstreetpublishing and Instagram @bryantstreetpub for exclusive sneak peeks, cover reveals, and more!

Submission Guidelines

We are currently closed to submissions. We believe strongly in having open submissions periods, because it allows access and visibility to people who can be overlooked and excluded from the “traditional” models of publishing. But as you can imagine, it can be a little overwhelming for us when we get a lot of submissions. So we do it carefully and infrequently – currently we’re at about 1-2 times/year, so we can really dedicate our entire team to thoughtfully reviewing and working with you. 

Not to worry! When we’re getting closer to one, we will announce it LOUDLY and well in advance, and probably annoyingly frequently, when it’s coming up! Follow along on our social media or sign up for our newsletter to be the first to be notified when we start ramping up for a submissions window.